A simple retrospective format that is both positive and valuable. A retrospective often tends to be a repetition of the last one, with all the same items coming up. With this retrospective I help you to harvest improvements, find learnings and apply those to other domains of the team work.
- Draw 4 columns on a whiteboard
- Name the columns: WIN, WHY, APPLY and Actions
- in the first round let team members* stick post-it’s to the WINS column: what went really well, better, improved in the last sprint?
- In the second round stick post-it’s next to the WIN items: WHY? Why did we improve? What did we do differently? Be specific!
- In the third round, try to translate the WHY learnings to other parts of the team and -work: APPLY.
- Round-up with concrete actions and commitmen
- (With larger teams, divide the group into smaller groups/duo’s)
Have a nice scrum!