Sometimes you get stuck. The ideas are gone and the inspiration is hard to find. Then it helps to take a step back. You can use puzzles to get creativity back on track. The most important thing is to get out of your head for a moment and use not only your eyes but also your hands and other senses. There are countless examples of fun puzzles and riddles on the internet. On this page a selection. We assume you work in/with a team.
The team members – everyone in front of them or in pairs – look for possible combinations to draw this house without taking the pen off the paper and without drawing a line twice. The answers look like this: 123143542. And all possible combinations can be found here .
Have the team members individually make this ‘impossible’ shape as quickly as possible from 1 sheet of A4 and without glue or tape.
Take four empty beer bottles and 3 knives from the cutlery drawer. The challenge is to ensure that 1 bottle is raised a bottle length above the ground. But… the bottle may not stand on another bottle, not even with a knife in between. How do you get this done?
Which word (not necessarily the number of dots) should you write to the left and right of the line to make a very clever advertising poster? And for which organization? Tip: it is mainly about the right fit.